So.. on Sunday I was cooking for the birthday party. Since there were so many dishes going on, I was washing the dishes as I went. Of course, this meant putting the dishes and utensils away also. Like a good girl, I was putting a spoon or something back into the utensil holder next to the stove. It wasn't going in, so what else could I do besides try even harder to jam it in? There are no knives in the container, so the worst that could happen would be a spatula slapping me.
...or a cookie scraper trying to take off my finger. Apparently the stupid cookie scraper/spatula has a BLADE on the end.
Luckily, after wrapping it tightly and a couple of band-aid changes, the blood slowed down. Now the cut has sealed itself back up and is doing nicely.
The end.
Jon cut his finger really badly once while doing dishes. It bled for an hour and a half. After the first half hour I told him if it bled for two hours we were going to the ER. He ended up okay, too! :)
Glad your finger is healing!