Camping Pies
>> Tuesday, September 1, 2009 –
Recipes- Baking
A couple of you hadn't heard of camping pies before, so I though I would show you!
You will need a cast iron pie/sandwich thinger.
Butter two pieces of bread.Place the bread, butter side OUT (touching the cooker thinger). Spread whatever you want on your pie on the inside. John had apple pie filling and I had cherry. You could always make grilled sandwiches this way.
Close up the thinger,..and stick it in the fire. Make sure you rotate it so that it doesn't burn on one side. Check your bread for golden-ness every once in awhile by just opening the thinger- the bread should slide right off of the iron.
And, voila- a camping pie.
"thinger" HAHHAA you creak me up! Love it! :)
I hadn't ever heard of them before, but they sound delicious.
If you make the fire ahead of time, build a really good pile of HOT HOT HOT coals - put piemaker in coals, and turn over once -