Wednesday, November 13, 2013

24 Weeks

Hello Lucy. Someone cannot stand not being the center of attention.
It looks SO MUCH SMALLER with a real shirt on!!

How far along: 24 weeks

How big is baby: 

From the Bump: Apparently a cantaloupe. I am slightly concerned though because baby measured OVER the 20.8 oz LAST week. We have a big'un on our hands..

Stretch marks/belly button:
None. Same belly button- innie!

Sleep: Good! I've been sleeping well enough that I have been getting up a little before 5 (4:57!) every morning to blog, walk(ish), have my coffee and just start my day out quietly. I love it.

Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Meh. Nothing.

Movement: LOTS. Especially after I eat. This week I had some Berger cookies and baby was freaking out. Baby loves some Berger, just like Mommy. Hmm.. maybe Berger can count as a craving.. I cannot get enough of those suckers.

OH. And we were watching TV this week and I told John that baby was moving a lot. I felt a big bump and looked up- his face was horrified. Apparently he saw it too. I asked if he wanted to feel it moving as part of the fatherhood rite of passage/bonding experience. He seemed more than happy to just bond once baby gets here.

What I'm loving: All of the movement. It is so reassuring and right now it doesn't hurt. I am sure before too long we will run out of space and any bumping and kicking will be painful. I am trying to enjoy it while I can!

Symptoms: Nada..

What I'm looking forward to:
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving food! I'm excited for some time off too, and shopping Friday even though my list this year is mostly house/construction stuff! I love me a good sale.

Best moment of the week:
We decided on two names and middle names for each sex. They are top secret and we will decide once we meet baby!

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