Sunday, January 26, 2014

34 Weeks

How far along: 34 weeks

How big is baby:

The Bump says that I currently have a butternut squash inside of me.

  • He's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. (If you're not, start! He may find them soothing after birth.)
  • He's also urinating about a pint a day.

Stretch marks/belly button: Yup.. still have stretch marks. I think they are kind of slowing down. It seems like there was one week that they all popped up and then since then there hasn’t really been anything new. Belly button is still an innie, though shallow.

Okay. I am mostly interrupted by the need to pee and usually once a night I will need to take some Tums.. Heartburn itself doesn’t seem to wake me up, but when I wake up and need to pee, the heartburn is there and I won’t be able to get back to sleep without a couple Tums.

Nothing really. Maybe Swedish fish still. No real aversions either.

Yes, lots. Especially at night time after supper when I am just sitting on the sofa. I can see my stomach bumping around and wonder what the HECK it is doing in there.

What I'm loving: 
At my doctor’s appointment I was able to ask a couple of questions about delivery that I’d had and the doctor/practice seems to be on board with what I was thinking. Yay! I was nervous since I do lean a little more crunchy than typical and I wasn’t sure how it would play out with a standard OB office.

Oh.. and since my shower was Saturday (more below!) I feel so much more prepared! And my mom and I went to Babies R Us on Sunday and finished out some of the registry stuff that I wanted to buy (car seat!) so that pretty much all my baby purchases are complete. We are going to go to Ikea this weekend and get some small things too.

Movement (duh), had my very first (ever) bloody nose- it wasn’t gushing or anything, but definitely dripped out L I have had bloody snot (sorry) but not drippy like this. Needing to pee a lot, and… constipation (sorry, TMI?).

What I'm looking forward to: 
Ultrasound this week to see if baby is still breech. I think it might be flipped due to where I feel the hiccups, but who knows. Also- I only have 4 weeks of work left. WHAT. So crazy. I will miss my office and everyone in it, but some days when I am in traffic it is so nice to think about not doing that day in and out.

Best moment of the week: 
Um… my shower was freaking awesome on Saturday. Amanda and her mom did such an awesome job with a whole wintery theme.. It was a winter wonderland!! Milk and cookies (all my favorite cookies!), a full lunch and mashed potatoes with toppings! Mashed potatoes were my one BIG craving in first tri :)

I guess we can have a baby now...


How I'm feeling:
Good.. just big and slowing down. My sciatica is all gone and I don’t have any weird aches and pains. My hands are still itchy, but not debilitating or gross looking either. Just plain eczema itchy I think. Never had eczema before, but I will take plain dry itchy over the other!!

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