Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lane is: Two Months

-12 lbs 3.5 oz, 50% (it blows my mind that he is almost FIVE pounds more than at birth)
-23.75", 75%
-Still exclusively breastfed
-Nurses every 2.5-3 hours during the day
-Decided around 7 weeks that he needed an actual bedtime that is around 8:30 every night. We change his diaper, swaddle, nurse, back pat and put him down. His first sleep stretch is typically around 5-6 hours. He then sleeps another 3 or 4 hours until we get up for the day. He is now also starting to get into more standard naps (though his preferred nap location is still on me. Ugh- working on that.)
-Still sleeps in the Rock n Play next to our bed. Every time I try the bassinet, he wakes right up.
-Goes easily back and forth between breast, bottle (both wide mouth and regular nipples), and pacifier (Soothie and Mam)
-Is in 0-3 month clothes still, though he goes go in some smaller 3-6 month clothes
-In the last week or so, Lane has started to actually smile. There isn't really any consistency to it and they are far between. We will work on it.
-We crossed the following specialists off of our list this month:
  • ENT (passed his re-do hearing screening)
  • Plastic Surgeon (had circumcision and good follow up)
  • Had a good hip ultrasound from being breech (no follow up required!)
-Lane is still in cloth diapers. Around 7 weeks I switched him over to one size pocket diapers. The newborn AIOs weren't big enough anymore, though the prefolds and covers still did, and he was fitting into the pockets, so I just went for it.
-His eyes are still blue!
-Lane still hates bath time, though he tolerates it if I hold him and bathe/shower with him.

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