Monday, August 24, 2015

Lane is: 12 Months

-22 lbs, 11 oz
-wearing all 18 month clothes
-at 11 months and one week he completely stopped army crawling and just decided to only knee crawl one morning. He hasn't stopped since.
-We are still on two naps a day, but I think those days are numbered.
-Lane will fake laugh when everyone else is laughing.
-He will usually wave "hi" when you ask him to.
-For the most part, he is only nursing 2 times/day and has snacks and meals in between.
-Bedtime is at 7 and wake up at 6 or 6:30 still.
-He had to get his blood drawn to try and figure out his (STILL ONGOING!) diaper rash/sores. It was awful.
-He was in disposable diapers for the last week or so of the month- I decided to treat for a yeast rash on the advice of some friends... the dermatologist and pediatricians never mentioned that. It is starting to look a lot better! We used a homemade cream combination of equal parts: polysporin, lotrimin and hydrocortisone.

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