"New" Curtains!
When John first moved to this apartment over a year ago, we got plain brown curtains from Target for the bedroom- mostly to block the light since the crappy blinds here do not.See how sad they look?
They looked okay with our duvet cover.. but were just so BROWN..
Add one more curtain panel, a bazillion pins and several hours at the sewing machine (scratch that- make it TWO sewing machines... mine & John's mom's), we now have 4 updated and more beautious curtains.
just in time to move - you silly girl
well I knew that once we moved I wouldn't have a chance to sew them up- other projects would be more pressing!
They look beautiful! I wish I had even the slightest bit of talent with a sewing machine.
Love!! Very cute idea to make those.
Cute kitty!
They look great! I wish I was was so crafty! :)
This is why I want to learn how to sew!!
They look great! Good DIY!
Thanks everyone! They really weren't hard! Just some measuring, cutting and then sewing in straight lines.