This house is my third residence within a year. A year! A year ago right, now we were still engaged and planning our wedding. I was living 15 minutes or so from John, close to DC. I got that apartment when I graduated in December 2007, while he still had a semester left of school. For the year following my graduation, I lived on my own for the first time.. and in the ghetto.
The nice part about living on my own, was that I could decorate however I wanted (within budget restraints of course). John still pretty much lets me decorate however I want, but he for some reason thinks that he gets input- the nerve!
My (very blurry) bedroom:

RED! silk curtains from Bed Bath & Beyond clearance pile. The curtains were insanely on sale (like $8 or 10/panel) and then I had standard BBB coupons for each panel, PLUS a gift card.

DIY headboard made from extra clearance curtains.

The dining room:

I stuck my desk in the corner of the dining room. And my landlord let me paint whatever I wanted, so I made a red! wall in the dining room. It wasn't quite the right color (too pink), but it was $10/gallon Wal Mart paint.

DIY artwork above the table. These were actually one of my studio projects. Notice the orange collage is missing? I don't know what happened to it between 2 college apartments and this one. I have it now and will be hanging this series in the house somewhere.
Also- the table and chairs were a Craigslist find- $100 for the set and the table expands to seat around 6 people nicely.

The living room:
When I moved in, I had zero living room furniture. I found a sofa/loveseat set on Craigslist for FREE! from an older couple. It was clean, COMFY and in good shape, but UGLY. I got microfiber, Scotchguarded slipcovers from Target for around $200.
Also, for Christmas, my mom gave me an IKEA Poang chair and an ottoman whose cover flipped over to be a table. If all else failed, I had a chair and something to eat on.

The loveseat with pillow fillers from IKEA. I hadn't made covers for them yet when this pic was taken. You can see some of the extra fabric from the headboard/curtains on the back of the loveseat. The end table was given to me while in college from a family friend.

The display over the loveseat: 3 boxes that my dad made me to store CDs while in college. I repainted them black and stuck a wicker ball thing in each. Underneath is a cheap display shelf from IKEA with some red tealight holders.

The sofa. With a tiny picture above. Hey- it was all I had and it filled a blank wall.

Eventually I found some curtains. I wanted them to have red in them and the walls were a khaki/tan color. These were from Boscov's wicked on sale. My mom ordered them and sent them to me since we couldn't find them in the store while I was in NY.

The red chair my mom got me. And Suzanne Wang. The TV was free from a friend at school who graduated at the same time as me and didn't want/need it anymore. The TV stand/entertainement center was free from his parent's house too!

My exercise bike lived in the living room.

The pillows after I made covers for them. I reallllly wanted to make the living room curtains from th black fabric, but it was $8/yard and I needed so much that it would have been too expensive :(

The backs. Notice the red curtain fabric again.
The other red back is from a pillowcase that I had lying around.
Apparently I never took pictures of the kitchen, bathroom or closet. I stole some from the landlord's picture site though. He took them after I moved out, so they are unfurnished.

My itty bitty galley kitchen! Originally when I moved in, the stove was right next to the fridge. We slid it over & put the garbage in between them. I also got a heavy duty metal shelf from IKEA and put that over the stove. I stored my pots & pans on it.
The kitchen base cabinets and counter (on the left) were brand new when I moved in. That was awesome.

The linen closet. It also stored bathroom items (makeup, etc), pantry items/canned goods/flour, paint and tools.

From the bedroom to the living room.

The walk-in closet- it was HUGE! I also kept my sewing table in there.

One of the corners of the inside of the closet.
And there you go.. my first and only big girl apartment.
I'm currently in the third place in a year, too!!
I lived by myself for about 8 months before we got married, too. Although I didn't decorate or anything. It was an itty bitty apartment in a not very nice neighborhood, and I knew I wasn't going to be there very long so I didn't want to decorate much. I actually never completely unpacked. Haha :)
What fun to have such a colorful apartment! Do you plan on doing any brights in your new house?
someone has a thing for red and tan :)