So.. this isn't late at all..... It got kind of left behind with all of the studying I was doing. In fact we had a bit of a different Easter because I was studying all day.
I made a "re-interpretation" of Easter for us- one that wouldn't take all day to cook!Check out my tablecloth that my grandma cross-stitched to match our china (hers!) for our wedding present! Oh and the crystal candlesticks are from my other grandma!
Our Easter Menu
A ham steak grilled out
Grilled bacon wrapped asparagus
Baked mashed potato croquettes
Deviled eggs with bacon!
Strawberries on Bisquick biscuits with Cool Whip
As per tradition, these eggs turned into Easter's deviled eggs. I jazzed them up a bit by adding some bacon bits to the "devil" (yellow part).
Yummy! Love your chandelier btw!
PS I am enjoying following your blog and would love if you could follow mine too. I am a brand new blogger.
Ooh, I should definitely try baking the croquettes next time. It looks like they stayed together so much nicer that way and would be much healthier. Yum.