Lane's First Birthday

Happy FIRST birthday to our first baby!

Lane is: 12 Months

-22 lbs, 11 oz
-wearing all 18 month clothes
-at 11 months and one week he completely stopped army crawling and just decided to only knee crawl one morning. He hasn't stopped since.
-We are still on two naps a day, but I think those days are numbered.
-Lane will fake laugh when everyone else is laughing.
-He will usually wave "hi" when you ask him to.
-For the most part, he is only nursing 2 times/day and has snacks and meals in between.
-Bedtime is at 7 and wake up at 6 or 6:30 still.
-He had to get his blood drawn to try and figure out his (STILL ONGOING!) diaper rash/sores. It was awful.
-He was in disposable diapers for the last week or so of the month- I decided to treat for a yeast rash on the advice of some friends... the dermatologist and pediatricians never mentioned that. It is starting to look a lot better! We used a homemade cream combination of equal parts: polysporin, lotrimin and hydrocortisone.

Lane is: 11 Months

(no official measurements again)
-Started moving into 18 month clothes
-We did a little more sleep training to get rid of the 12/2 am wake up since the teething shouldn't be bothering him anymore. We also eliminated the early morning wake up/nursing session (4:30/5 am), but now we are up for the day around 6 am instead of 7.
-Morning nap has gotten shorter (about an hour) and then he fought the afternoon nap for about a week. After that week it got shorter (down to about 1.5 hours instead of 2-2.5). After the week, his afternoon nap did go back to 2-2.5 hours. It seems like he might be moving in the direction of just one afternoon nap.
-Lane is nursing 3 times/day now- first thing in the morning, after the afternoon nap and before bed.
-We introduced snacks this month, replacing the after morning nap nursing session with a snack of cheerios or a pouch instead- much more convenient for on the go and errands!
-Still pulling up a lot, army crawling and butt scooting all over.
-Lane got a shorter hair cut this month and looks so much more like a boy than baby!
-He has had a diaper rash since THANKSGIVING! now. We have been to the pediatrician twice, been on topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics, been to the dermatologist, gotten a topical steroid. Nothing seems to be helping so far. It is so frustrating because it looks so painful and it seems to bother him!
-He will clap and say "yay!"
-This month was also Lane's first Christmas! He seemed to enjoy it, but not really understand all of the presents and activity.

Lane is: 10 Months

(no official measurements this month!)
-in 12 month clothes still
-Lane's first tooth came in 11/13/14, just over 9 months old- FINALLY!
-Tooth #2 came in 11/24/14 and the top two teeth are moving down as well
-This month Lane started waking up pretty consistently between 12 and 2, about when his Motrin would wear off. He gets a medicine top off, nurse, cuddles and back to sleep until he nurses in the morning.
-He started standing and pulling up on everything
-We went to Virginia for Thanksgiving and the night before Thanksgiving was his worst night ever- worse than when he was a newborn. Lane and I ended up sleeping in the bed together, but he was just rolling around and crying, I think we slept maybe an hour or two tops. Nursing, singing, reading, clothes/diaper changes- nothing worked.
-Thanksgiving morning Lane was in his first Thanksgiving family 5k! My sister pushed him in the stroller so that I could run.

Lane is: 9 Months

-22.9 lbs
-in 12 month clothes
-started army crawling at 8 months + 1 week (one day after our floors were put in!)
-butt scoots all over the house
-went down to nursing 4 times per day: 5 am, after morning and afternoon naps and before bed
-had another cold :(
-lots of talking and babbling!
-eating a lot (1/2 bagel, 3 pancakes...)
-bedtime is at 7 pm still!
-waking up at 4:30/5 am to nurse and then back to sleep until 7ish

Lane is: 8 Months

(at home/approximate measurements)
-18.5 lbs
-in 9 months clothes and starting to pull out the 12 month clothes
-We started breakfast this month, so Lane is now eating solids for 3 meals a day, in addition to nursing every 3-4 hours.
-Lane is sitting up a lot and much more sturdy than before!
-In addition to sitting, Lane has started spinning in circles on his belly to follow up around the room, or find his toys. It is only a matter of time until he is crawling!
-Naps have been going SO WELL and we are on a real schedule finally. Nap #1 is 2 hours after he wakes up in the morning (around 9 AM) and nap #2 is about 3 hours after he wakes up from the first nap (around 1 PM). I turn off the lights, turn his fan on and we read a story in his sleep sack, then into the crib. He will whine and fuss a little (sometimes) and then goes right to sleep. Naps are about an hour + in the morning and 2+ in the afternoon.
-He has started waking up a little earlier in the mornings to nurse. It is now closer to 4:30 or 5 am, but he goes right back to sleep and sleeps until 7.
-Since we ditched the pacifier last month, he will spit it out now if I try to give him one. I have seen him suck his thumb for a couple of seconds when calming down for a nap.
-Lane is babbling a lot- mamamamam, dadadada, blahblahblah. Nothing seems to have any real meaning or connections.
-Every single time I sing "You are my sunshine" to him, he starts grinning and cheesing at me.
-I have started back to work part time from home. I go into the office on Tuesday mornings and then work 10-20 hours from home. When I go to the office, John stays home with Lane and works remotely for the day. It's fun to see John have full responsibility, even if for only a morning a week.
-Since I am back at work, I am pumping once while away. I pumped for a week or so at home to get enough for a couple of bottles while I was away and then once in the office. I only get 1-2 oz/session (from both sides!) so it took me almost a whole week to pump enough for two 4 ounce bottles. UGH. I bought a manual pump to stick in my work bag. THAT THING IS MAGIC! I get SO much more from it (4-5 ounces!) in less time (10-15 minutes)! He is still not very good at the bottle and really only ends up drinking one full bottle while I am away.
-My first day back in the office Lane started FINALLY sucking out of the straw cup. We had been giving it to him for a couple of months and he would play with it, but didn't suck. Finally he drinks water out of the cup.
-I think Lane might have had his first real bout with teething. He woke up screaming bloody murder a few hours after going to sleep. He was miserable and nothing calmed him until the Motrin kicked in. No teeth have popped up yet though!
-Speaking of being miserable, the same couple of days that Lane was having teething pain, he also had a cold. And so thoughtfully gave it to us.

Lane is: Seven Months

(at home/approximate measurements)
-17.5 lbs
-Lane is now fully in 9 month clothes and I actually bought some fall/winter stuff in 12 months because I don't think 9 months will last very long! :(
-Naps started going okay- maybe a half hour or 45 minutes in the morning, around 9 am and then a couple of hours in the afternoon around 1, but usually he wakes up after a half hour or 45 minutes and has to be convinced to go back to sleep for the rest of the nap.
-At night, Lane is passed out asleep by 7 pm and then sleeps until 4-5 when he is ready to nurse. After nursing he typically goes back to sleep until 7.

-This kid is now officially sitting up on his own! Still not very steady, but he does it! I keep a boppy behind him and hover to make sure he doesn't face plant :)

-Lane and I spent a week in the Outer Banks with John's family while he stayed home and worked on the house.Lane was not a fan of the ocean- I held him and every time a wave came toward us he would turn his head and bury his face in my shoulder. He had a blast having his cousins around all day every day, but his sleep did suffer that week. I think it was being in a new place- he pretty much refused to nap except in bed with me (and they were short!), or sometimes on the beach. At night he wasn't getting to bed until 8 or so and then would wake up around 3 or 4 crying. I would nurse him to get him quiet and then he would sleep until 6:45 in my bed. Not ideal but it was just a week.
-After vacation Lane's naps were not so awesome again and he took to sleeping on me again. Boo!
-ALSO the wake ups to replace his pacifier had gotten out of control- I was up 4-5+ times a night just to plug him back up. So.. I re-did cry it out, but without the pacifier this time. The first night it only took 20 minutes of him fussing to fall asleep without it. AND HE DIDN'T WAKE UP ALL NIGHT. Amen.
-Every night since he has fallen asleep as soon as I put him in the crib and then sleeps until 4-6 when he is ready to nurse. He nurses and then goes back to sleep until 7 (usually).
-We kept on going with food and also introduced shrimp (shellfish) and peanut butter with no allergic reactions. Thank goodness. Lane loves grape tomatoes, grapes, peanut butter, cheese, meat... He has definitely gotten better at eating and swallows much more food. He loved the sight of his tray coming towards him and shrieks and gets a huge grin on his face. He is going to eat us out of this house soon..

Lane is: Six Months

-16.6 lbs (50%)
-28" (95%)
-Head is 17.5" (75%)
-Wearing 6 month clothes, though probably moving into 9 months soon
-Still breastfeeding

-At 5.5 months, on 7/21, Lane had his first "meal"- carrots, green peppers and peaches. He mostly just sucked on them. For a little bit he just had supper with us and then started having lunch when I ate also. Once he realized that he could have food, he would be upset if we ate in front of him without sharing!
-We skipped over purees and started right with finger food (Baby Led Weaning). He has had: taco/turkey meat, sweet potatoes,cucumber, watermelon, applesauce, shredded cheese, cheese stick, zucchini, bread, wheat bread, avocado, grilled ham steak, broccoli, cauliflower, banana, quesadilla with tilapia cheese and onion, rosemary and garlic grilled pork chop, dijon sauce on broccoli, parmesan orzo, scrambled eggs and toast, creamy turkey and rice, green beans. So.. clearly he eats what we eat. Haha! At first he did a lot of swishing his hands in the food and then licking his hands. Eventually he started raking the food toward his face. He is able to grab sticks (cucumber, broccoli, etc.) well and eats a bunch of that.
-While he doesn't eat a ton of the food yet, he apparently gets enough because we have made the great poop change. Yay.
-At exactly 5 months old we did Ferber/cry it out while at my parents' house. He didn't want to sleep anywhere but in my arms or in bed with me. So, it began. It took an hour of crying for 3 nights in a row and then twenty minutes of light crying for a few more nights. His crying at bedtime had changed too before I started- he was mostly just pissed off crying, not sad, which made it a LOT easier to leave him to fall asleep. Doing this was a life-saver. Bedtime was no longer a struggle!
-We switched Lane from the pack and play into the crib. I had been resisting setting up the crib until he was in his permanent room, but decided to just go for it since I'm sure the crib is more comfortable than the pack and play.
-Another miracle happened this month.. he napped in his crib without convincing! Maybe a side effect of crying it out? or possibly a 6 month growth spurt? Just before 6 months old, Lane fell into a 2/3/4 schedule on his own (wake up, nap #1 is 2 hours after wake up, nap #2 is 3 hours after last wake up, bedtime is 4 hours after last wake up).
-We finally kicked cradle cap!  This showed up around a month or two and I had been using coconut oil and scrubbing his head. It was pretty bad, so the doctor suggested using Head & Shoulders. Boom. After a couple of months of that all remnants of the cradle cap were gone.

-We also visited Daddy at work for family day!

Lane is: Five Months

-At home (approximate) measurements:
16.5 lbs

-Still all breastfed
-Had his four month shots and his sleep was interrupted with a couple of nights that had a wake up in the middle of the night, but then he went back to sleeping the whole night, usually 10 or so hours from 7 or 8-5 or 6.
-Lane outgrew the bassinet and started sleeping in the Pack n Play in our room.
-We were handed down his cousins' old Jumperoo and he LOVES it. Lane has always loved standing andloves being able to jump around in the Jumperoo.

-This month Lane has started drooling and ton and always has his hands in his mouth. We don't see any teeth showing up yet though!
-3-6 month clothes have started getting a little short and we moved into 6-9 month onesies
-Still blue eyes- maybe they will stay!?
-Lane's cradle cap has started getting a little better with our use of Head & Shoulders. His hair is also starting to grow back in on top and it is lighter than I thought it would be!
-We took Lane's second trip to the lake for the Fourth of July. John, Lane, Lucy and I all went down for the weekend and then John and Lucy went home Sunday while Lane and I stayed at the lake for the next week. Lane went swimming for the first time and was pretty indifferent to it- he wasn't scared or angry though!

-The week we were at the lake was the week before Lane turned 5 months old. It was a crazy explosion of development- he started getting things into his hand and then mouth purposefully, smiling and talking a LOT more, giggling and lifting his head a lot higher than before and for longer periods of time. I felt bad that John missed it all and like I was bringing a new baby home!
-Lane also moved to his own room! We moved him from our room to the guest room since we don't have any guests scheduled for the foreseeable future and it doesn't look like John and I will be moving out of our room (the future nursery) anytime soon. Lane was going to sleep earlier and needed his own room.
-I started signing to Lane, mostly just "milk." He understood it within the week and he grins and reclines himself when I ask if he wants it- LOL. A few times he's also made a fist and stared at it and me like he was trying to figure out how to make the sign. 
-This month we started letting him lick some foods from our hand- apple, carrot, banana, watermelon. He goes crazy for the watermelon and banana.
-On Father's Day, Lane went to his first baseball game! (Unfortunately.)


Lane is: Four Months

-15 lbs 9.5 oz / 60%
-26.25" / 90%

-Still 100% breastfed with a couple of pumped bottles a week 
-This month we had a visit from a physical therapist for an Early Intervention consult for torticollis. She said he looks alright and he doesn't qualify for EI. She gave us some exercises for his neck and scheduled a follow up appointment to confirm that he is getting better and not worse.
-Around 13.5 weeks Lane started lifting his hear all the way up at tummy time (instead of just face planting and being pissed that he was on his stomach).
-Lane still has blue eyes!
-This month Lane was sleeping for 8-9 hours straight pretty consistently (usually 8 or 9 until 4-6). At 14 weeks he slept 10.5 hours straight! (8-6:30)
-At 14 weeks we also had his first trip to the lake in Virginia. Just he and I went and we left around 7 am- he slept just about the entire 5.5 hour drive down! We stopped once briefly for a diaper change and quick feed and then continued on.

-At 14 weeks Lane also started sleeping in the bassinet for naps and at nighttime (instead of the Rock n Play).
-This month Lane was wearing 3-6 month/6 month clothes.

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